Friday, April 1, 2011

Two Wednesdays...

Just who invented the International dateline???  It's about as easy to understand as the workings of the Internet.  This shortcoming caused me to arrive a day early in Waikiki and throw myself on the mercy of the desk clerk at my hotel.  Fortunately they had a room and I fell into bed after 36+ hours of travel from Perth.

Everything about the Lonely Planet-recommended hotel is great, except the fussy little concierge who bears a very unfortunate resemblance to the big stuffed gorilla that is parked on a couch in the lobby.  Don't ask me... They both have bad posture and look like they've been dropped from a great height. I asked about taking a local bus yesterday and he was evidently unhappy about that and warned me twice not to talk to the bus driver because "he could lose his JOB!"  O.K., O.K., I won't talk to bus drivers and next time I'll book a big, fat bus tour that includes hula dancers, fire eaters and ukelele playing.

The zoo here is great and so is the beach, which I'll spend some time on today.  For the weekend, I'm deciding between Tango Extravaganza, the Hawaiian Scottish Highland Games(?) and...more beach.

Yesterday I ate my picnic lunch beneath a shady pavailion populated with what looked like the local hoods.  They looked harmless enough - playing cards and music and making disparaging remarks about tourists.  Things went quiet and when I turned around, there were 4 cops taking pictures of everyone and quietly moving them on.  I was glad that they didn't include me in the operation. It was bad enough that I got a written warning about jay walking from a local tourism ambassador.  I promised to use the crosswalks from now on...


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