Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Dugites and Quokkas and Skinks, Oh My!

Dutch explorers dubbed it Rottnest (rat nest) Island when they caught sight of the quokkas that populate Western Australia's only good-sized island.

There are also a few on the mainland, but Rottnest is where this particular marsupial mostly hangs out. It's a good thing they've got friendly furry faces, because the rat tail could really put you off. The other prevalent island resident is a poisonous snake called a dugite, but everyone assures me that they're 'shy'. So am I when it comes to snakes...

Del and I ferried to Rottnest on Sun. for a two day-getaway and stayed in one of the beachside cottages pictured. We rented bikes when we got off the ferry and met our luggage at the cottage where it had been delivered; the State owns the island and all the accommodation on it, and has the check-in and out procedure down pat. Our cottage was basic and had a fully accessible bathroom, and if you didn't see the porch with the gorgeous view, you'd think you were in a nursing home - two twin beds in each room with a reading light suitable for surgery.
It really is a paradise out there - no cars, just bikes and miles of beautiful, deserted white sand beaches. The snorkeling is good, although we ran into a gang of stingers the first day out which was a little unpleasant. They kill you over on the east side of the country, but really only annoy you on the west coast.

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