Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Summer in Oz

Clancy's lunch with Lyn, Bridget and David

The riding chicks and the paddling chicks (below)

Summer was the name of my horse on Fri. as we set off through the bush. She seemed to be in a snit over something and flattened her ears whenever any of the other horses were nearby - perhaps it was the novice rider she had to cart around for a few hours in the heat. At one point she apparently had had enough walking and thought galloping really fast was a good idea. I lost one stirrup almost immediately and while clinging like a burr, attempted to rein her in. Despite there being two horses directly in her path, she paid no attention and caromed off them like a pinball. At least they slowed her down enough for me to get back in the saddle, as they say. We walked the rest of the way, other than the times we jumped sideways when kangaroos were nearby. I saw one fox, a mob of 'roos and no snakes (yea!).

I'm moving pretty slowly today but have to get limber enough for dragon boating tomorrow night. I've persuaded Lyn to take advantage of having the Garden Gnome in residence, so I'm cleaning up her front yard tomorrow. Since I have no idea what constitutes a weed and a plant here in Western Australia, she'll have to stay in the vicinity, lest the Gnome alters her garden beyond recognition.

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