Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Hot, hot hot!

Arrived in Perth after a 7 hour flight from Auckland only to wait on the tarmac while an electrical storm cleared the area. Apparently those Aussie ground crews don't like working around lightening. I was sitting in the annoying traveller section with a kid kicking my seat in back and a very large woman in front who interspersed pacing the aisles with flinging herself into her seat. I had visions of the seat and the woman landing in my lap, severing my legs, or at the very least, badly bruising them. I was ready to kill someone by the time I made it through immigration, customs and the fruit, nut, honey check.

My friend Lyn was there waiting and we thankfully recognized each other. Neither one of us could remember when I had last been in Perth, but we think it was 2005. My other friends, Del and Joan, were waiting on Lyn's porch when we finally got home and we ate and drank until I was too tired to keep my eyelids up. The night had cooled off to 37 and I left salt stains on the sheets.

Tonight was dragon boat racing with Graham the steerer/coach in back yelling commands that I didn't understand, and the strokes up front setting far too fast a pace for my liking. Once Graham knew I was from Canada (my T-shirt with Canada in big letters across the front might have tipped him off), he encouraged us all to do Canadian racing starts which he assured us was the reason the Canadians were such a dragon-boating powerhouse - who knew?? Anyway, they were really hard and I'm sure most of my fellow boaters are hoping I don't come back, or maybe that Graham doesn't.

Lyn and I plotted out my time here until the end of the month and I think I have about 45 min. free next Tues. I may not have time to blog...

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