Thursday, March 10, 2011

Street scenes - Perth and Fremantle

My toes have blisters from walking the streets in Perth and Fremantle, and although prostitution is legal here, I definitely wasn't walking that way.

The shiny silver toilet pictured here lured me in with its blinking blue light which meant it was unoccupied. I pushed the big green button and the door slid open, and then I pushed the big red button on the inside and the door glided shut. A melodious male voice informed me that the door was locked and that I had 10 minutes remaining in my 'session'. What anyone could do in that metal box for 10 minutes is beyond me - I don't want to think about it. As soon as I made contact with the seat, muzak filled the cube with the strains of "What the World Needs Now". Other than the seat, I didn't need to touch anything else - soap, water and a hand dryer were all there for the asking. If the voice had been Scottish, I would have feared that Scotty was about to "Beam me up". I know what you're thinking - "Who sits on public toilet seats???" I guess that would be me.

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